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“Keeping diversity and equal opportunities in mind whenever decisions are made” – An interview with Kai Phillip Schmidt
You are responsible for diversity and equal opportunities at the FAU Profile Center Light.Matter.Quantum Technologies. What would be the ideal situation for you as far as this topic is concerned?
–– Ideally, we wouldn’t have to talk about this topic at all, but that is a utopian dream. A great deal of progress has been made in equal opportunities during the last few decades.
Superconductors at room temperature?
Quantum materials change their properties when they interact with light. Optical cavities, for example, allow the electrical conductivity of quantum materials to be manipulated in a targeted manner. Physicists at FAU are investigating this enormous potential for electronics, energy storage and quantum computing.
FAU researchers use optical cavities in order to control the electrical conductivity of materials
When materials are forced to interact with light, their properties can change fundamentally. In a study, researchers at FAU and the University of Trieste demonstrated that tantalum sulfide, a metallic quantum material, can be switched from an electrical conductor to an insulator in optical cavities.
Award of the Renate-Wittern-Sterzel-Prize 2023 goes to organisation team of DIPHER22
As one of the FAU Awards, the Renate Wittern-Sterzel Prize went to two teams this year. One of those is the organisation team, including the PIs Sabine Maier and Kai Phillip Schmidt from LMQ, around the conference “Diversity in Physics for the Diversity of Physics in Erlangen” taking place for the first time in 2022 at FAU.