Light emitting diodes (LEDs) provide an efficient way to convert electrical to optical power. Aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) LEDs produce ultraviolet (UV) radiation and will improve environmental, medical and industrial…
We are happy to announce a talk next Tuesday, 01.10., 13:00-14:00 at the Institute of Applied Quantum Technologies, entitled „Quantum technology with spins and photons“. The talk will be held…
The increasing size of neural networks for deep learning applications and their energy consumption create a need for alternative neuromorphic approaches, for example, using optics. In their work, Clara Wanjura…
We are happy to announce a talk on Friday, 20.09.24., 13:00-14:00 at HF, entitled “Multiqubit superconducting devices for simulating quantum many-body physics”. The talk will be held by Haohua Wang…
We are happy to announce a talk on Wednesday, 18.09.24., 14:00-15:00 at the Physikum in HF, entitled “Hopfions in Condensed Matter: Anisotropic Heisenberg Magnets”. The talk will be held by…
Dr. Tobias Weitz from the chair of Laser Physics in the physics department has been awarded the 2nd prize from the Körber Foundation for his dissertation. As part of his…
The FAU Profile Center Light.Matter.QuantumTechnologies will be further strengthened by two new members Pascal Del’Haye, MPI for the Science of Light, Claudiu Genes, MPI for the Science of Light. A…
The interaction between light and matter is one of the oldest research areas of quantum mechanics, and a field that just keeps on delivering new insights and applications. With the…
EELISA at FAU has opened a second Call for EELISA Research Retreats funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The aim is to facilitate new European research collaborations with…
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) – the splitting of a single photon in two – is crucial for photonic quantum technologies. In its very essence, SPDC breaks the inversion symmetry. It…