We are happy to announce a FAU LMQ Talk on Tuesday, 14.01., 15:00 at the Leuchs-Russell Auditorium (Staudtstraße 2, Erlangen), entitled “Finite-Size Security Proof for DM CV-QKD Protocols”. The talk…
In a breakthrough that could revolutionise biomarker detection, researcher Hanieh Fattahi and her group at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have developed a novel technique called…
In this FAU LMQ People Spotlight, we interviewed our member Daniel Burgarth, who is professor at the Chair for Theoretical Physics at FAU since 2023. What is your research topic?…
In their recent work, Janina Maultzsch’s group study atomically thin, two-dimensional semiconductors, which are widely used to create platforms for the investigation of physical phenomena like superconductivity. In order to…
We are happy to announce a talk next Friday, 06.12., 11:00 at the Tandem Labor, Room 308 (Erwin-Rommel-Straße 1, second floor), entitled „A mesmerizing treasure box of magnetism and light-matter…
On Friday, 22nd November 2024, the FAU Pofile Center Light.Matter.QuantumTechnologies hosted the second internal one-day workshop at the FAU’s Guesthouse Villa Jordan in Erlangen. Beginning with a warm welcome to…
In this FAU LMQ People Spotlight, we interviewed our member Michael Krieger, who is a senior scientist at the Chair for Applied Physics since 2007. What is your research topic? I…
Recent results published in Nature Communications, bring researchers closer to being technologically able to harvest some of the unique properties of systems falling in a hybrid quantum state of both…