100 Years of Quantum is just the Beginning
The formulation of quantum mechanics in 1925 laid a lasting foundation for our physical understanding of nature. 100 years later, in 2025, quantum mechanics has an impact on all areas of our culture, science, technology and art. Therefore, the year 2025 has been proclaimed the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) by the United Nations. For Germany, the DPG provides the overarching structure for all events connected to the IYQ, which can be accessed on their website.
The Profile Center FAU LMQ and its members and associates celebrate this year with a variety of events of different formats. On this site you get all information about events in the realm of Light, Matter and Quantum Technologies that contribute to the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. Feel free to come back from time to time to stay up to date.
Upcoming Events
29Apr18:00 – 21:00
Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP)
Quantum2025 – 100 Years of quantum is just the beginning

Lecture series „Physics on Saturday Morning“ in 2025

Quantum physics at the panOPTICUM