Physikalisches Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Joao Seco – Quo Vadis FLASH Radiotherapy?

Date: 11. December 2024Time: 12:00 – 13:00Location: Hörsaal H, Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen und per Zoom

Titel: Quo Vadis FLASH Radiotherapy?

Abstract: Recent developments in FLASH radiotherapy has allowed for the delivery of radiation beams at very high dose rates (dose rate ≥40 Gy/s),
that ultimately protect healthy organs from radiation effects. At the moment, it is still unknown how to apply clinically FLASH to treat patients.
Single beam dose of 10 Gy is not common in standard radiotherapy, because of the very high risk of radiation toxicity.
In addition, the true mechanism behind FLASH is still unknown. In the talk we provide an overview of the FLASH effect and how this is influenced
by the local oxygen concentration during irradiation. We will also discuss an approach being developed in Heidelberg at the DKFZ to translating FLASH
into a standard radiotherapy clinic.

Sprecher / Speaker: Prof. Dr. Joao Seco, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg
Kontakt / Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff

Norbert Lindlein lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.
Norbert Lindlein invites you to a planned Zoom meeting.

Thema: Physikalisches Kolloquium 2024
Meeting-ID: 616 3709 4478, Kenncode: 567858

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Event Details

11. December 2024
12:00 – 13:00

Hörsaal H, Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen und per Zoom

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