Kai Phillip Schmidt

FAU LMQ News FAU LMQ Research Spotlight Kai Phillip Schmidt Publications Research

FAU LMQ Research Spotlight: Picky light – how light ignores interactions of matter

In their recent work, Andreas Schellenberger and Kai Phillip Schmidt investigate correlated light-matter quantum systems introducing additional matter-matter interactions. Their key finding is that the matter-matter interactions do not play a role in the emerging light-matter physics at low energies for the investigated case of macroscopic systems and small light-matter couplings.

FAU LMQ News Kai Phillip Schmidt Phydine

“Keeping diversity and equal opportunities in mind whenever decisions are made” – An interview with Kai Phillip Schmidt

You are responsible for diversity and equal opportunities at the FAU Profile Center Light.Matter.Quantum Technologies. What would be the ideal situation for you as far as this topic is concerned?
–– Ideally, we wouldn’t have to talk about this topic at all, but that is a utopian dream. A great deal of progress has been made in equal opportunities during the last few decades.