MPL DLS Talk on 11.02.: Engineering (Useful) Trapped-Ion Quantum Technologies

We are happy to invite you to a talk this Tuesday, February 11, 14:00-15:30 at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, entitled “Engineering (Useful) Trapped-Ion Quantum Technologies“.

The talk will be held by Sara Mouradian from the University of Washington and is being hosted as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL).

The talk is given in hybrid form, so you can both join in person or virtually via Zoom:

  • Live at the Leuchs-Russell Auditorium at the MPL, Staudtstraße 2, Erlangen.
  • Virtual, via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 681 4107 0014; Kenncode: 415890

We highlight this and other talks organized by our partners and members, to inform and connect people working in our excellent ecosystem in the domain light, matter and quantum technologies, which form the core of the FAU LMQ. If you also plan to have a talk that might interest more people from the FAU LMQ, feel free to write to us at

Further information

Sara Mouradian is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington and an Associate Editor at PRX Quantum. Her group focuses on building and demonstrating the enabling technologies for utility-scale trapped ion quantum technologies. She received her BS, MEng, and PhD from the EECS department at MIT. She was an Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley in the Ion Trap Group. In 2024 she was named an AFOSR Young Investigator.