For our FAU LMQ People Spotlight, we interviewed Kai Phillip Schmidt, who is chair holder of the Chair for Theoretical Physics V at FAU and speaker of the FAU LMQ since 2023.
What is your research topic?
The research of my Chair of Theoretical Physics is about investigating emergent collective quantum behaviour of many-body systems. We therefore employ classical and quantum algorithms, which is relevant for solid-state physics and quantum optics.
How is your research linked to the research foci of the FAU LMQ?
As we are interested at the interplay of light and matter interactions, our research is at the interface of the three foci light, matter, and quantum information and therefore closely linked to the profile center.
Why exactly this topic/these topics?
It is extremely fascinating to explore novel facets of nature when many quantum entities come together and form something which more than the sum of its parts.
Who in the Profile Center do you hope to collaborate with in the future?
We have already several successful collaborations within the FAU LMQ. In the future I envision further links to Daniel Burgarth, Philipp Hansmann, and Flore Kunst on theoretical aspects, Daniele Fausti on strongly correlated quantum materials and Christopher Eichler on quantum simulations on quantum-optical platforms.
When I am not working as a scientist, then …
I like music and concerts, reading, sports, and watching soccer. Honestly, the smartphone is typically on, so science never stops.
Do you have a secret talent?
I am quite an open person so many things are known. The rest I keep secret.
What does a typical day in your working life look like?
A large part of my working day is about communication. I find it a privilege to interact with so many interesting and nice people, in particular working together with all the young people is always inspiring.
Where do you see the FAU LMQ in 5 or 10 years?
With the establishment of the FAU LMQ in 2023, the research activities in the last years at the interface of Light, Matter, and QuantumTechnologies have become a prominent research domain of FAU. In 10 years, I envision that this successful development has continued leading to a lively center with worldwide visibility. I further wish that it is always fun to go to the FAU LMQ events because one meets exciting people and gets novel ideas.
For our FAU LMQ People Spotlight, we interviewed Kai Phillip Schmidt, who is chair holder of the Chair for Theoretical Physics V at FAU and speaker of the FAU LMQ since 2023.
What is your research topic?
The research of my Chair of Theoretical Physics is about investigating emergent collective quantum behaviour of many-body systems. We therefore employ classical and quantum algorithms, which is relevant for solid-state physics and quantum optics.
How is your research linked to the research foci of the FAU LMQ?
As we are interested at the interplay of light and matter interactions, our research is at the interface of the three foci light, matter, and quantum information and therefore closely linked to the profile center.
Why exactly this topic/these topics?
It is extremely fascinating to explore novel facets of nature when many quantum entities come together and form something which more than the sum of its parts.
Who in the Profile Center do you hope to collaborate with in the future?
We have already several successful collaborations within the FAU LMQ. In the future I envision further links to Daniel Burgarth, Philipp Hansmann, and Flore Kunst on theoretical aspects, Daniele Fausti on strongly correlated quantum materials and Christopher Eichler on quantum simulations on quantum-optical platforms.
When I am not working as a scientist, then …
I like music and concerts, reading, sports, and watching soccer. Honestly, the smartphone is typically on, so science never stops.
Do you have a secret talent?
I am quite an open person so many things are known. The rest I keep secret.
What does a typical day in your working life look like?
A large part of my working day is about communication. I find it a privilege to interact with so many interesting and nice people, in particular working together with all the young people is always inspiring.
Where do you see the FAU LMQ in 5 or 10 years?
With the establishment of the FAU LMQ in 2023, the research activities in the last years at the interface of Light, Matter, and QuantumTechnologies have become a prominent research domain of FAU. In 10 years, I envision that this successful development has continued leading to a lively center with worldwide visibility. I further wish that it is always fun to go to the FAU LMQ events because one meets exciting people and gets novel ideas.