We are happy to announce the FAU LMQ Talk – MPL Distinguished Lecture Series talk on Tuesday, 21.01., 15:00 at A.1.500 – Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium at the Max-Plack-Institute MPL (Staudtstraße 2, Erlangen) and online via Zoom, entitled “Quantum learning machines”.
The talk will be given by Gerard Milburn from the University of Sussex and is open to everyone.
Gerard Milburn will discuss two approaches to physical learning machines using quantum technology: mesocopic electronics and superconducting quantum optics. The former will be based on a physical neural network and the latter on a quantum kernel algorithm with an interesting connection to quantum chaos. I will discuss the advantages each scheme offers for energy efficiency, security and computational efficiency.
Zoom Access:
Meeting-ID: 618 0889 4862
Kenncode: 931691
We are happy to announce the FAU LMQ Talk – MPL Distinguished Lecture Series talk on Tuesday, 21.01., 15:00 at A.1.500 – Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium at the Max-Plack-Institute MPL (Staudtstraße 2, Erlangen) and online via Zoom, entitled “Quantum learning machines”.
The talk will be given by Gerard Milburn from the University of Sussex and is open to everyone.
Gerard Milburn will discuss two approaches to physical learning machines using quantum technology: mesocopic electronics and superconducting quantum optics. The former will be based on a physical neural network and the latter on a quantum kernel algorithm with an interesting connection to quantum chaos. I will discuss the advantages each scheme offers for energy efficiency, security and computational efficiency.
Zoom Access:
Meeting-ID: 618 0889 4862
Kenncode: 931691