FAU LMQ People Spotlight: Maria Chekhova

In this FAU LMQ People Spotlight, we interviewed our member Maria Chekhova, who is Professor of Optics at FAU since 2020 and an independent research group leader at MPL since 2010.

What is your research topic?

I am working in experimental quantum optics. In my group we generate various types of quantum (nonclassical) light.

How is your research linked to the research foci of the FAU LMQ?

My research is directly related to quantum light, which is one of the FAU LMQ subjects. But I am also studying light-matter interaction, and in this connection I can also deal with quantum matter. For instance, some of my projects are related to the generation of photon pairs from resonant nanostructures. There, quantum emitters can be involved into the interaction. Or, we generate very bright quantum light – bright squeezed vacuum – and it has the potential to uncover the dynamics of electrons and other quasi-particles in matter.

Why exactly this topic/these topics?

Among my topics, I find most interesting those where we come to the boundaries or extremes of quantum optics, and where it borders with nanoscience, on the one hand, and strong field physics, on the other hand.

Who in the Profile Center do you hope to collaborate with in the future?

I will continue my on-going collaboration with Peter Hommelhoff and Nicolas Joly. It would be good to start collaboration with solid-state physicists like Janina Maultzsch or Sabine Maier. We plan collaboration with Flore Kunst.

When I am not working as a scientist, then …

Do sports, travel, visit friends and my children. And I have to do a lot for my parents who are in Russia.

Do you have a secret talent?

I used to. But it is a secret. Now, I only do science ☹

What does a typical day in your working life look like?

Writing emails – talking to PhD students – writing emails – teaching – writing emails.

Where do you see the FAU LMQ in 5 or 10 years?

I hope to see more quantum features in light, matter, and their interaction.