Successful International Conference on Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter

Last week, the International Conference on Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter took place at the Physics department in Erlangen.

After a warm welcome by Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier (speaker of TRR 306 QuCoLiMa), Prof. Dr. Kai Phillip Schmidt (speaker of FAU Profile Center Light.Matter.QuantumTechnologies), and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch (Vice President People, FAU), the participants enjoyed 3 days full of scientific talks and discussions including:

  • Invited Talks by 9 internationally renowned speakers
  • 19 contributed talks from QuCoLiMa scientists of all career levels – from PhD to project leaders
  • Poster session with 36 posters
  • Awarding of the QuCoLiMa Starting Grant to Jun-Prof. Angela Wittmann with laureate talk (see related news)
  • Get-Together at Kitzmann Bräuschänke
  • City Tour “University and medical city Erlangen”
  • Conference Dinner at Fishery Oberle (with an inspiring dinner speak by our “eldest” Jürgen Eschner)

Link to the conference page