Award of the Renate-Wittern-Sterzel-Prize 2023 goes to organisation team of DIPHER22

As one of the FAU Awards, the Renate Wittern-Sterzel Prize went to two teams this year. One of those is the organisation team, including the PIs Sabine Maier and Kai Phillip Schmidt from LMQ, around the conference “Diversity in Physics for the Diversity of Physics in Erlangen” taking place for the first time in 2022 at FAU. The conference combined specialist physics lectures with an exchange of experiences on the topic of gender and diversity. The result was a concept of bottom-up working groups who want to take the commitment to and acceptance of equality and diversity to a new level. The organisation team would like to use the prize money to expand its networking activities and prepare for the DiPHER24 conference.

About the Prize

The university management has awarded the Renate Wittern-Sterzel Prize annually since 2005. The prize is named after the first FAU Women’s Representative, who founded the Gender Equality Prize. Innovative projects to promote equality, exemplary measures to constructively deal with and promote diversity and outstanding successes in increasing the proportion of women in science and outstanding research on gender and diversity are eligible for the award.

(Image: Giulia Iannicelli)